John Spackman & children: Bruce, Ginger, Ted, & Penny

Friday, June 8, 2012

Family Reunion 2012


WHEN: July 27th-29th

WHERE: Southfork Campgrounds

This will be a casual everyone comes and goes as they can.
You will need to bring your own food/ water/ camping gear
and any fun toys you may want to play and share with while
there. Saturday from 12-4 we will have an organized "Family
Reunion". However we will still have a fun activity each
night you won't want to miss.

If you have any previous family reunion video or pictures
to share please send a copy to
as soon as possible so she can make a video.

Stuff to look forward to:
  • Tubing 
  • Swimming
  • Movies
  • Paintballing
  • Archery
Anything else anyone wants to bring and play.

We will send out more information regarding reunion in June. In the meantime if you have any questions or ideas, please give us a call. It is going to be lots of fun, somake sure you save the date.

Ted Spackman                            Karie Babbitt
801-394-4718                             480-373-8095