John Spackman & children: Bruce, Ginger, Ted, & Penny

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Memory Books

Hey Spackman Team... at the reunion you were given a "memory" book to write down memories of John /Iris/ Grandpa S./Grandma S., etc.  and we told you we'd like the memories back to us by Christmas.  Any memories will do - events/activities that you went to with them or about them, stories they told you, anything that we might be able to use in the "History Book" that we're trying to put together.  Anything will do - it's your memories.  You all said you'd help - don't fail us now.  I told you I'd be asking for those memories at Christmas time - time to pay the piper!!!  Email me, or Penny, or get us your stories so that we can copy them.  Let John and Iris know that their lives were worth remembering.  We'd like to have a book put together by the next reunion, but we need help YOUR help.  THANKS!!  Love you all!

Family Reunion 2014

Please submit all your pictures to share to I would love to put everyone's pictures on here but please remember.... I can't put pictures up if YOU don't get them to me. Or better yet I can send you a link to be an author to the blog and you can put your own pictures with thoughts and memories on here. I am so brilliant!!! Lol  However, I do like that idea much better. Please email me or call me so I can help walk you through how to add to this blog. I would love to see your pictures and have you share yours or your families thoughts, achievements, family pictures etc.  on here. Christmas is coming this would be awesome to have everyone that does Christmas cards, cards put up here.




No Kissing Cousins! 

Jared Spackman Family

Kelly Spackman Family

Looks like everyone had a lot of fun!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Spackman Family Reunion
Saturday, June 21, 2014
Orton/Green Acres Park
Planned Activities
Meet at North Ogden Museum at 11 for Scavenger Hunt
Games for all ages
Reunion Goodie Bags
Kids “Fear Factor”
Adult Meeting
Picture taking opportunities

Please bring your own lunch and drinks and a favorite dessert or goodie to share with everyone (approx. 35)

Please let Frances know if you’re going to be there. 
Phone:  801-782-0538


Thursday, January 2, 2014

Save the date!!

Save this date!

The Annual Spackman Family Reunion!! 

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Orton Park, Ogden, Utah

Full details will be mailed to you soon. 

We hope you’ll plan on joining us!
